How Grain Storage Can Grow Your Agriculture Business

Are you looking for a way to maximize your profits in the agricultural industry?

Grain storage might be the answer!

It provides an effective way to save farmers money, time and energy.

You may not realize how much the type of grain storage that you are using could be impacting your agriculture business. We’ve researched the ways that grain storage can help your agricultural business achieve its maximum potential.

Here is what you need to know:

How Grain Storage Can Help Your Agriculture Business:

1. On-Farm Grain Bins Allows Operators to Harvest More Per Day.

It is estimated that on-farm grain bins can add about 2 hours to the amount of time that you can spend on your crops per day because they provide greater efficiency.

As every farmer knows, two hours each day can make a big difference.

On farm storage bins keep the combine moving, which gives you more time to focus on harvesting. Greater production equals more yield, which increases the potential for a greater profit.

2. Grain Storage Allows You to Store Grain for Future Profits

On-farm grain storage bins allow farmers to store the grain to sell when the greatest profits can be earned.

If you do not use grain storage, you might be forced to sell your crops at a time when the grain can only be bought below market price. Or, you could have to sell at a time that the supply is greater than the demand, leading to lower earnings potential.

Without storing crops, if you do not sell within a comparably brief window of opportunity then you risk losing out on profits altogether. If the grain goes bad, no one will want to purchase it.

Farmers who do not use storage bins may end up selling for whatever they can get while their crops are still in good condition. They will often feel pressured to sell crops for much less than they would be worth if they could sell them later in the year.

Those in the agriculture business who use on-farm grain storage have a greater window of opportunity to sell their crops. Even if they choose to wait to sell for several months, with proper storage, their grains will be well maintained.

3. Grain Storage Allows You to Dry Crops and Avoid Weather Damage:

In some parts of the country, seasonal weather creates a sense of urgency for those who work in the agriculture business.

If you are a farmer, then you know that there are many elements of nature that have the potential to adversely affect your crops.

Excluding the change of seasons, which is often foreseeable, many additional weather conditions can cause crops to ruin.

Hail or rain at harvest can damage or even destroy your year of work. Farmers who can harvest earlier, and have the ability to dry their grain, have a greater chance to avoid many weather related problems. Saving yourself a lot of money and heartache.

Also, if possible weather hazards are looming, being able to dry the crops without waiting until they are ready, allows you to save crops from weather conditions that could otherwise destroy them.

This is a bonus that would have helped many farmers in the past save crops that have been ruined. And, if you are depending on your crops’ production to afford your living expenses, then you understand the potential value in this.

Another problem that farmers face is harvesting prior to wind damage and over drying. When you are given the option to harvest the crops at their peak, then you can avoid this issue. With on-site drying technology, you can even collect the crops prior to their optimal stage and complete the drying process once they are out of the field and safe from such risks.

4. Grain Storage Reduces Possible Overhead Costs:

Being able to store and dry grain on site and according to your own timeline rather than Mother Nature’s offers you the ability to cut many costs that are associated with farming.

The costs that you spend on additional trucks and labor, for example, may be able to be reduced with on-farm grain storage systems.

With the right grain storage system in place, you can cut down on the time spent loading, transporting and waiting to have your grain prepared. Practically the entire process can be completed on-site using minimal additional efforts. This can be especially important when you are in an industry that must measure, and sometimes, race time.

5. On-Farm Grain Storage Saves You Time:

No one likes having to wait in long lines if they do not absolutely have to. On-farm storage allows you to skip the lines at elevators so that you can spend more time on the farm, or more time with your family.

Whatever you choose to do with your time saved is an opportunity that is not available to those who do not have grain storage systems. While others are consumed with the process of transporting, storing and drying, you are able to exercise greater flexibility.

Depending on another facility to store your crops is another time-zapper. You face potential delays in the process and must adhere to limited times open for receiving.

When time equals money, saving time means saving money. This is one of the most beneficial aspects of on farm grain storage that attracts those in the agricultural industry.


If you aren’t using on-farm grain storage systems, your agriculture business may be suffering. You could be losing out on profits, time and control over your production.

You don’t have to let another harvest go by without having the storage systems that offer you the most gain possible.

On-farm grain storage offers farmers the smartest, most efficient and economical solution available. You could be saving time and money by switching to on-site storage systems that offer you the most advanced technology and the greatest profit potential in the farming industry today.

If you are ready to learn more about how on-farm grain storage systems can benefit your agriculture business, click here!